Category: API

March 07, 2024 5 mins read

Taming JSON - How to use JPath in Peakboard scripts

JSON is the most popular data format for modern web and cloud environments. Peakboard applications often use JSON. For example, when calling an API and processing the response. A good way to extract the desired data from a JSON string is to use a JPath expression, rather than using basic...

October 04, 2023 8 mins read

Card Caravan - Bringing Peakboard and Trello together

Trello is an online, collaborative list-making tool. In this article, we will learn how to create a Peakboard dashboard that can display and modify Trello lists. Here is an outline of what we will do in this article: Get an API key and token from Trello. Our Peakboard Box needs...

August 29, 2023 4 mins read

Using Matomo's Reporting API with XML processing

Besides Google Analytics, Matomo is the gold standard when it comes to tracking and analyzing visitor behavior on a website. This article provides a short introduction to the Matomo Reporting API. This API provides access to the analytics data through different layers of aggregation. The best way to access these...